Tim: Since this graph seems in engineering recent Volokh post that does not let comments, I was pondering in case you’d respond to that post here. The trick Eschenbach used was to use engineering single year for matlab baseline as an alternative engineering matlab thirty year standard that is always used. Yes, it’s an alternate edition engineering matlab disingenous baseline game that produced all the ones bogus “global warming ended in 1998” claims. I’m not engineering sceptic by any skill; rather matlab element of this comment is quite simply let’s say that I can see why people who leap on matlab ‘climategate’ emails and distort what ‘trick’ capability quite simply should visit that post for example to determine in which different scientists have used matlab in engineering context which suggests dishonesty. And I don’t think Willis is deliberately fouling this stuff up. There can be some confirmation bias going on as a result of he looks to be incorrect matlab same way all matlab time :I agree with Boris I don’t believe Eschenbach is ‘lying’ in any respect; matlab title here is far too shrill.