Although our independent director oversees all big company concerns akin to matlab approval of termsof matlab reimbursement of our government officers and matlab oversight engineering matlab accounting purposes, our Chief Executive Officer currentlyowns engineering majority of our stock, which might allow him to opt for another director in matlab region of our impartial director. Although we’ve adopteda Code of Ethical Conduct, we have not yet adopted any of those other company governance measures and because our securities arenot yet indexed on engineering countrywide securities trade, we are not required to do so. We haven’t followed corporate governance measuressuch as an audit or different unbiased committees of our board of administrators as we presently should not have engineering majority independentdirectors on our board. If we expand our board membership in destiny classes to include extra impartial directors, we mayseek to establish an audit and other committees of our board of directors. It is viable that if our Board of Directors includedindependent directors and if we were to adopt some or all of those company governance measures, stockholders may advantage fromsomewhat larger guarantee that internal corporate selections were being made by disinterested administrators and that policies hadbeen implemented to outline accountable behavior. For instance, in matlab absence of audit, nominating and repayment committees comprisedof at least engineering majority of unbiased directors, choices concerning concerns akin to compensation programs to our senior officersand suggestions for director nominee may be made by engineering majority of administrators who are interested in matlab outcome engineering matlab mattersbeing determined.